
Major in Architecture

Graduate School of Engineering and Design

The study and design of our environment: from furniture and interior spaces to buildings and urban spaces

Our aim is to research and develop the field of "holistic Design" for architecture and cities from interdisciplinary viewpoints, based on specialized knowledge and advanced technology. Additionally, this program focuses on fostering specialized professionals (architects, architectural engineers, etc.) that are equipped with the knowledge of holistic design, as well as educators and researchers with advanced planning and development skills. The predecessor of the current program, "the Architecture Field, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture" was a fairly large-scale organization that graduated many successful students. This was made possible by the high enrollment rate from undergraduate schools and other departments and universities. In recent years, this trend has become increasingly evident, and Major in Architecture is constantly seeking young students with a passion for architecture.

rend has been increasing over the years. We offer unlimited potential for growth and require your youthful passion for architecture.


  1. We offer a wide range of studies among the following five fields: 1) architectural design, 2) architectural and urban history, 3) architectural structure, 4) architectural environment, and 5) building construction.
  2. An open educational environment made possible by a course-specific entrance system for different students and terms of study (1-year Selective Program, 2-year General Program, and 3-year Career Program).
  3. In-depth studio-based design education focusing on international architectural certification.
  4. Through a variety of internship programs, students can obtain certification in practical training as a first-class architect while attending school.
  5. Through our international exchange program, students can gain exposure to the international architecture movement.


To think like an architect

1.Understanding and practicing the holistic design
—Planning ability
2.Comprehension of the inseparable link between history, culture and architecture
—Design ability
3.Professional responsibility to create a sustainable global environment and society
—Problem solving ability
4.Technical skills securing life safe and comfortable building environment
—Professional ethics
5.Understanding the symbiosis between technical progress and artistic creation
—Understanding of history and culture
6.Advanced IT skills as planning and design tools
7.Logical discourse and communication skills